Somewhere over the Rainbow

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

lolz, wake up quite late 2day, about 10 smtg nearly 11, felt so tired... Long time no sleep till so sweet and tight. Hmmm loves this feel. Last nite while i'm blogging i'd did many things too hahax, lik so busy around. First i blog, then i sms, finally i watched "Fa Zheng Xian Feng". Lol, the most memorable part last nite was sms-ing wit him ^^ Lolz, wit his wishes to bed, i can finally slept very well... whooo. hahax! Today morning, i thought will hav a very enjoyable breakfast but unfortunetely when i woke up, just left a boiled egg and some roasted bread... cheh that omelete had been finished by my bro and sis... yeer never left some for me de.... But never mind, 有失必有得 lolz, i'd a very perfect and wonderful lunch... whohooo(lazy to say wad i'd ate, i think not important at all), Oh last nite had a heavy downpoor, everywhere rain cats and dogs.... so worry bout the 2 little turtle that we'd put them to the river 2 days ago... The water lever of the river had shown very clearly increases, but not only increase a little bit but very plenty of it.... Hope that the 2 little turtle will find their 避风港, and the sun will always rise even wad happen to us, there are always a way for u to go through after a trouble, so whenever who is facing a trouble rite now, dun b worry, everythig will have a solving way, just lik after rain the rainbow will come out and the as always, the sun will shone the hold earth.... Just lik 雨后天晴 mah ^^


Wiskey Kilo Juliat November 12, 2008 at 12:11 AM  

阳光照耀时, 就该微笑。。。。^^

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