
>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

lol.. i injured.. sad man, my hand lik cacat... cant play handbol... wow, say till handbol, while shun min they all din go today, but we oso had fun, and learnt many things today, i'd learn how walk place hahaa(while not as gao as pauline lah) but really fun ahahaha... we get the grey colour t-shirt today and mr.choo said only hardworking ppl can get, hahaahx laugh till me.... xiao..... oh wowowow, my hnd so pain ar!!! kanasai, wanna taiping oso hard, let one little finger cant do anything....hauz.. suan le ba, seems so difficult, tio stop here luo.. hahaha wait next time got more interesting only come blog...weeeee


Anonymous November 13, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

wah look syok hor today haha...aisheh hardworking ppl juz can get the t shirt lo haha...take care of your finger haha night...

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