gud nite!

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

wow... so tired today.. went sch on 9 smtg and started playing handbol on 11 smtg.. i'd bcum black de... so sad man... wanna white so difficult but wanna black just lik sup sup water... u just go and stand under the sun for...(erm i think 1 hour oso enough d) then u can be as black as me weee^^. Not so funny, so sad bout being black... arghhh! Butquit fun lar, chun ong kip on kap xiao and making jokes, lol laugh till..... so lazy to list out all those he said de things, wanna go take a sweet sleep and when wake up, take a good and nice breakfast!!! wow just imagine tat, so syok so syok. Hold on , but still nid wait a long time, while we okaying handball they said a form 2 guy looks like saiful, i felt that too lu... then i told him... hahax then start chat then tio stop de, say gud nite oso din reply de, nvm i say here, gid nite bro, swwet dream and sleep tight! Gud nite every1 muax!

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