Goodbye little tortise!

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wow 2day early in the morning, mummy had woke all of us up, include me, 2 of my brother, n my sister. Today, we went yam cha 2gether while we very long no gather togeher and yam cha ald, wow finally i can take my favourite food, but it was crowded, the restaurant was full of ppl, and when i follow my brother to the place that take food, many ppl snatching here and there, so we'd wait for a long time, so lame u noe there de ppl... and when they pass over u must push u only syok de wor, i hate ppl touching any part of my body without my permission! Everytime ppl touch me only i'll felt disgusting and keep on wiping it(except i noe de ppl lah) lolz.. When we came bek home is ald 11 somthing, so tired cause of squeezing wit those ppl... While 12 something, mum and 2nd bro went to an animal shop and they bought 2 quite big de tortise cum bek... They decide to 放生 to the river that outside and behind our house... No longer later, we went out and bcuz of the river is too high so clever mummy took a pil to put it inside then use a rod to put it down, at 1st the 1st tortise came out frm the pil easily and it swim aside to wait 4 it another fren to cum out(i think lah cause it swim there then stop there 4 a long time) then we continue out the 2nd tortise down, unforturnetely the 2nd tortise did not want to cum out from the pil, i oso dunno wad reason, but after a long time we wait, we realise that the tortise had turn around and it body is facing up, so very hard to let it crow out, mummy ran fastly to our home and gonna take a long stick out, but clever brother use some skills and technic then it CROW OUT! YEAH we are being so happily! And i hope that the 2 little tortise can take gud care of itself and stay happily ever after, goodbye little tortise! hOpe u all qill happy o! Muax


Wiskey Kilo Juliat November 9, 2008 at 9:46 PM  

^^............ur family like so sweet......

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