>> Friday, November 7, 2008

I cant believe that! after pmr will ntg to do! felt(sucking) hahax.. Mummy promised that she'll bring me for a trip in between december, i'm hoping any suprising o a wonderlfull trip! but don;t ever to think too much 1st, incase any bad things happen lik my mummy suddenly say dwan go d, i oso no need so disappointed. Lolx, i wanna go out!! i dwan to stayed at home n snooring... 1 day over 1 day, i'm being more bored n(sucks) hahax... yesterday i followed mummy to market and saw the hokkien mee stall if full of ppl, then we decide to buy the hokkien mee n go bek home to eat lo, tats wonderfyl while the hokkien mee is still hot n spice! wohooo, so we ate it and non stop prasing the ppl that cooked this hokkien mee, but smtg happened bad on me no longer later....(sucks). I had an stomachace! i cant belive that, since that moment i started scold the ppl that cooked hokkien mee, n badly, my mummy din had any stomacache, so lame u noe.... lik i had to carry all the fault myself cause being eating the hokkien mee!!(i swear i'd never touch this hokkien mee anymore!) (sucks) lolx... my dear mummy, at there laughing me...omg! Wow, at nite, i'd play monopoly wit my mummy, playing monopoly with only 2 ppl...(lik xiao wan) who's goin to be the banker? of cuz is take those $ ourselves lah... hahax but all this ended within half an hour... lolx.. my dady oso say we sot sot de, 2 ppl oso played... but we felt syok.. yeah! Since when i'm stoping myself to fall in love to sum1, tonite i just thinking of him hold nite... he's such handsome n had a very pretty gud surface, maybe tats the guy i goin to find?? or no?? he;s just lik the guy behind the golden mask.... omg! but i think i just fall in love wit his image lah, i;d just noe him4 2 weeks only while we had contact thru sms... he's kinda funny! lolx... my fren tell me, love a ppl just put him inside the heart... so i'll do this... ^^ i'm so happy cause i knew u...


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