
>> Friday, November 7, 2008

Lolz...i watched 6 episod of 溏心风暴 last night wit mummy, lol damn funny in front, but i knew tat the climax is not on the part where its funny, but when the Tang family started to argue bcuz of small things n the 2nd wife of the 大鲍 called his son to be more smart so that the 6 billion will belongs to them... wah at 1st time we still laugh till stomach pain... Bosco very handsum o, but helik acting a bad guy at last( i not so sure lah) cause i haven't finish watching. ^^ i started lik this show ald. And a gud news for all the mike fans!!! He's goin to act a MOVIE called 未来警察 wit andy lau, da S, and the little girl named 徐娇 so cute oh... Very 期待this movie... i'm gona watch it!!! yeayea! wow, just nw had a chat wit pauline... we were counting the ppl of handbol girl team too many ppl de nw, if we combine, but if seperate tio not enough ppl.... omg! dunno how de... Oso dunno y they wanna quit... haiz, if wanna quit b4 that join lai do wad lei... useless..choi..

sorry i din meant tat, hahax. Just nw sis ask me wad is the meaning of so lame.... lol... i dunno...


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