Happy ^^

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ahahahaha! Pmr over.. i noe ald over very long.. got a bit miss those study de days.. my fren say me sot de.. but after omr i just go out 4 2 o 3 times nia..... Every1 plan say wanna go out till now... no more sound... aiya mummy oso lazy fetch me go out.. cheh.. but finally we'd came back frm the bukit merah n taiping trip!! Got fun n oso got pain lah, really hate those sick tat happen on me arghh!! We took many pictures ar, all xiao xiao de wor... hahah, u'll noe all of them can do out many funny pattrn... Just lik bei bei said eh :" pattern much than badminton...hahahax! dunno when still can go out lik this, although its just only 1 day but ald very tired de, so hope ne yin they all plan de trip to genting n KL de can really go de lah.... then we can xiao again.. ahahahaa.. happy



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