little disappointed

>> Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Finally, exam ald is just left 2 days more... gonna iao de ah!!! this mornig woke then follow mum to market... then bought a new shorts! Then come bek take my breakfast lo, then go study 4 awahile.... then go out help mummy pluck the vege...then sit there watch tv awhile, then run go bek room n do some geografi exercise... then go out watch the stupid show... then take my lunch wit mummy...then cum on9, then get scold by daddy.... say me always on9 lah, wan exam still dwan study la.... scold till kanasai... study till so tired last nite de he din see tio lah, then saw me on9 time say me din study!!! wat the F!!! felt very kek ki man! later still got tt, now on9 awile oso cannot! sai sai de... lcukily mummy din say anything. if she say me i think i dunno wan do wad de.... felt so disapponted..haiz..


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