New pic+sleep+eat+fat= ME!

>> Wednesday, October 1, 2008

wah wan to update daily really lazy.... lazy to do everything lah... hauz.. i wan sleep and eat only... i wan party and rawks all day long! But alone wit the pary nothin fun... better go sleep, they say i friday din go sch mr.lim very angry... say wad me not gud girl lah... cheh, nonsense... goin to open sch de, dunno how am i goin to face mr.oh..... the most xian teacher i had ever meet! dunno he'll saw this blog anot... hope not.. hahaha, if he really saw, i think i gai d when his period... he sure call me giv him 6 sentences de... buuuuu. Lst nite nearby our home de houses non stop playing fire work.... my poor little dog scared till ran inside our house.... pity her, then i gic it some biscuits.. hahaha how kind i am! Holiday 4 me is bored, at home keep on open and close the refrigetor... u noe wad? find thing to eat lah hahaha, i think when open sch al my friend cant find where am i de, cause i think i grew fater...hahaha wad a funny joke... taken many new pic last nite oh, almost 50 sumtg, sum wit jamie, but i deleted at last, and rejected those ugly de.... for me i think is ok lah, but how u all think?


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