>> Monday, September 29, 2008

Almost flood 2day, it just hav a heavy downpoor from yesterday nite till this morning, now still din stop yet.. the hold whether damn cold, even off the fan i oso freezing and snooring. But this type of whether very suitable for sleeping lei.... hahaha! Cant concentrate on study at all today feel very dizzy, hold body like no strengh at all... i wan sleep lah! but i jus woke up.. haiz.. Wau i today heard a very nice song 救生圈 from 张起政 a malaysia singer, quite handsome lo.. but got a bit girlish.. his sound very calm, can make ppl feel safe on it. He is a member of BUDDY b4 it... now "dan fei" ald... a good choice. Cause i dun lik another member of buddy... hate. See this guy? Duncun, acting a bad guy in a show called 还我情真 i say him quite handsum ah, but huai cie disagree, she say the william more nice.. haha anyway i got my taste, she got her taste.... but sumtimes our taste oso the same la, jus lik him lo


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