
>> Sunday, September 21, 2008

Haiz.. really nowaday every1 is talking her, feeling lik being betrayed, i treat her as a very good friend... although i not really noe is she taken our things, but many things proven her as a thief! talk tio her oso feel disappointing..oso felt paiseh to zhia liee man, if i din bring her go together ma gud lo... Awhhhh... Now jolene n us tryin to talk to her, but very difficult to open our mouth lah, wad should we tell her? Eh return bk our things lah, o ask her whether got wad ku zhong...
My mum say stole things is defianiately wrong, bt she did tat to us.... how am i goin to face her for the coming days if all those is a truth... i juz hope tat she wont did it another time again... i think i'll forgive her lah... i nid fix my mind again and again, hope she noe our feelings... i happy tat i got jolene, the straightest ppl in the world, haha, i lik her straight straight de personality, she never bluff me b4 u noe, and hor she really is a very good friend... i lov u jolene!!


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