Happy day!

>> Tuesday, September 23, 2008

whoooo, left 18 days to go for pmr...i think i haven't make enough preparation.. but i hope tat pmr will over faster! Cant u imagine tat when u pass up the last paper and the bell rings.. wohooo, i think every1 will shout! Congratulation and celebration! But still dun think too much 1st lo... hehehe. I get a very good news today, wanna to share it wit jolene n yen linn since shun min ald noe, i tink they oso will noe no longer later... so i think no nid me say, they will noe automatically, cause they say their area long eh ma... hahaa.. Nowadays very stress man, lik teacher say de, peer preasure, mr.oh says : " what is peer presure? " i 4get the answer... very long time ago de question... While we listening what did lim kok hoe says today, suddenly a very fierce and bringing some crying soud pass over, oh gosh that is miss bong's sound! She's scolding the class beside us, i think she get too much pressure cause of teaching us.... She told me b4, she juz wan us to hear what did she teach n be quiet... but we did not... she's a good teacher that always think 4 her students.... we say that after pmr, we'll do a farewell party 4 her! I think mr.lim mood not very good 2day... he scolded us y did not bring dict but then he say many "ren sheng dao li" 4 us... i feel good to hear that while sumtimes its very boring... 2mr is another day, so i think the same thing will happen again... lets see 2mr!


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