Impossible is nothin(2)

>> Friday, July 25, 2008

Wad a winday day... cold and freeze, let me sneezing the hold day... this type of whether, the best is..... SLEEPIN, but i giv it up, i came to blogging... such a good choices, i think my mum will agree oso lah, i hate friday man, 2 period of english and 2 period of chinese... although i very lik those subjects, but giv this 2 teacher teach... i really cant put attention on it, while i try to.. english teacher keep on call us to giv 6 sentences to him, i dunno wad use 4 those 6 sentences.. did examination will out those 6? impossible i think... teach those exam not comin out de things... such a boring teacher lah...and i had never seeing him laugh or a single smile while ald half year been teach by improves teachin by him... disappointed.. Then now, our bravely chinese teacher, she lei ho nothin bad lah, but her period just lik a sleepin period i will feel sleepy everytime she had came in,her voices causes me go into my dream land... i'll really sleep ki, just try my hard to open my eyes.. How bout mr.lim.. he's very angrying and hot tempered teacher luo i think, simply and cause of little think tiok scold ppl de, today he din teach us anything while he scolded all of us, one by one take our que dian and shoot us... damn bei syok him... wanna sakai him lah.. but they oso is a teacher lah, dun wan say till so rude, i think they got many pressure, but they should not throw and put on those pressure in us de.. anyway teacher responsible to teach us with the right way and the correct things, but not those useless things.. so, impossible is nothin!! 2day de recess left me sm and pi.. left de all go band performance. Wondering should i join the volley ball class match, they wanna me to do capten but i dun wan same group wit them lar... scare they spoilt ours nia.. paiseh nia say till lik i very gao, i wanna same team it my lovely handbol team... but dunno tat mr.choo aloud... hope so lah.. 2molo would be better lah!!


Unknown August 5, 2008 at 6:44 AM  

wow..there's a lot of mistake in your blog le...u said that impossible is nothing but in another way,u said that that's impossible to come out the questions that your teacher had thought you.

ps.i think Mr.Lim is very good

Jill September 21, 2008 at 11:06 PM  

sorry lo

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