Impossible is nothin (1)

>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2day happened many things..1st hor is ching ee said she cried.. then ask wad happenend luo, she oso dun wan tell me.. then is saif de dai ji, tat 3i de ppl wanna go hit him.. luckily tat did not happened but who knows if 2molo?? my fren said they wont suak lik this.. must saif say sorry only can settle de.. haiz, sorry nia ma, wad 4 go find so much problem lei... just say a sorry.. nothin to be paiseh abt.. suak de dun be so ke po, abo at last i oso kena tiok really gai de... Raining cats and dogs today.. if the rain stops i gotta go tt de... sien.. but pmr is approaching.. but impoeeible is nothin... haha dun be so pessimistic 1st.. 1st to do is STUDY!! wad a stupid activities... i think everyone in this world hate study and examination!! if no exam... HURRAY oh yea oh yea


Unknown August 5, 2008 at 6:47 AM  

Is it possible ching ee cried for saiful?haha.....very funny joke

Jill September 21, 2008 at 11:09 PM  

ya lah... i think oso... bt she tell me she cried cuz of pek chek..

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