all alone..

>> Saturday, September 27, 2008

hauz.. till today still cant 4get everything, ur sound, ur attitude, ur face and all about yours... i wont 4get it easily, it bcum a very deep memory that held inside my brain... i wnt turn away this page easily....i hope got a return time, so i wuld appreciatte it very very much, but not trying to miss out anything from u... since that day, i found that many unfortune things happen on me, sicking, vomiting, being betrayed, get scolded.... at last i oso get a betrayed frm u... y? who shall i goin ask to? god? u? or anyone else?i noe that things that happen cant change anymore, but at least can i have a happy good ending? i wan changes, i dun wan to be lik tat at the end! i hate... but she tell me, how can i change.... ya i think i should hear hers, so that i wont being hurt again, trying to focus on pmr, i think time can cover all this, dunno when i still thinking those excuses for u, just fooling myself around! i'll throw u lik a bottle down to the deep sea, wont u ever come back again idiot!!! STAY AWAY!


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